Insight Salons are free online classes which I lead about once a month, each time on a new topic. These Salons are what I consider to be some of the fundamental teachings that I wish everyone had but that even few people within my transformational communities are familiar with. The topics come from a synthesis of my explorations within coaching, leadership, life optimization, Three Principles, Process Work, energy healing, nondual spirituality, the Work of Byron Katie, Relational Alchemy, and shamanism.
Past Insight Salon topics: The Ladder of Consciousness, The Myth of Purpose, Beyond Drama, Power vs Force, Aligning with Your Desires, Feelings – a Call to Awareness, etc.
Sign up for Insight Salon invitations from Michael McDonald:
“That was *ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT*!!! A truly Socrates/Watts-level transmission – WOWOWOW”
“Michael has a gift of explaining spiritual concepts in a language that everyone can relate to.“
“The beauty you delivered it is outstanding. Your voice and energy transmitted the whole theme, so pleasant for my nervous system. I’ll listen to it again and draw some inquiries to work on myself.”
“I loved this talk! Brilliant! You have so much deep wisdom to share “
“There was a simplicity to it, it’s like you took a very simple and potent concept, and then the actual salon was your sorta being a doula for helping people birth new insights + escape some from thinking they are stuck in.”
“Every time I watch one of these I find myself in a more opened state of consciousness like a micro dose of mushrooms … I want michael in a box every morning!”