A Gentle Introduction to Sustainable Personal Growth
“All people’s troubles are caused by one single thing, which is their inability to sit quietly in a room.” – Blaise Pascal
Program Summary:
One-Minute Meditation Practice Program
30 days
daily emails
Have you heard everyone raving about the near-miraculous (yet scientifically-backed) benefits of meditation (reduced stress, increased focus, finding peace, increased creativity, happiness independent of circumstances)? And yet, it’s just something you ‘should’ do (someday), and therefore are *not* doing?
Are you too busy, too distracted, or not ‘disciplined’ enough to meditate? Or do you consider yourself to just not be disciplined, period? Are you overly busy, and over-committed?
The Practice
One-Minute Meditation is a deceptively simple practice that I have taught to many of my clients. It really is as simple as it sounds:
*** Every day, meditate for at least 1 minute. ***
That’s it. This is the EASIEST ground-floor activity for personal growth that I’ve come up with. And, within simplicity there is great power. This isn’t even really about ‘meditation’. The beauty of this technique is what you will discover along the way:
- A sustainable, practice-oriented approach to personal growth.
- Learning to trust yourself.
- Realizing that no matter what is going on in your life, that you are still ok.
- The (super)power of slowing down.
- The more aware you are, the greater the quality of your experience.
So if it’s so simple, why do you need an email program? Well, if you’ve read this far already I’m guessing that you are *not* yet regularly meditating on your own, and that you *want* to (or part of you wants to), so like for most people who want to do something *new*, you need support! This program provides a stream of wisdom and encouragement, and being a paid program provides some energetic investment into your practice.
This is a very lightweight email program. It costs just $20, as much as one of my Relational Alchemy nights, which I’m hoping is the right price to get you to commit just 1 minute per day to your growth.
The program starts 1-2 days after you register, and completes after 30 days. For the duration of the program you commit to meditating at least one minute every day.
You will receive a ‘1-minute revelation’ email from me every morning for the duration of the program. They’re brief, but that’s also a lot of email! That’s part of the challenge: learning to accept and let go of emails as they arise, just as you can accept and let go of your thoughts within meditation.
One-Minute Meditation Practice Program
30 days
daily emails